Archives. The Gator Amateur Radio Club has a long and storied history. The W4DFU amateur radio station was established in 1934 and is one of the oldest clubs in the country. Look for a compilation of stories, photos, old logs, etc in these pages.  One of our 75th anniversary projects (2009) is preserving and telling about our history...such as our logbooks that date back to 1964.  See our minutes sections for happenings of the club in years gone-by.  Our Sign-in Sheets/Station Log displays those who have used and visited the station.



Station Sign-in Sheets



Other Archives


UF Student Satellite Tracking Station CIRCA 1964, click for article

W4DFU in 1957

Dr. Marvin Moss, W4UXJ,
At W4DFU controls Circa 1957
click for article below

W4DFU in 1930s

NC Newspaper clipping CIRCA 1957 about one of our UF members. Click on photo for full view

NC Newspaper clipping CIRCA 1957 that accompanied the photo on the left. Click on article for full view

Dr. Marvin Moss, W4UXJ, At W4DFU controls Circa 1957 or
so operating W4DFU Collins equipment at that time. "I used to contact my Dad (W4ZEH) a couple of times a week from Gainesville to Melbourne. I think we used either 80 or 40 meters depending on the time of day and noise levels and other factors"
"One of the more exciting episodes at W4DFU occurred the day after October 4th of 1957,
which was the launch date of Sputnik I. Everyone was very shocked and dismayed that the USA was not first. We found out that the frequency that it was transmitting was 20.005 MC (Now MHz)
Several of us went up to the station the next morning knowing nothing about orbits or timing although we knew one orbit  took about 90 minutes.  Lo and behold, we tuned the Collins receiver to 20.000 MC and heard WWV.  Then we heard a 5 KC beatnote and knew that we were listening to Sputnik I.  We must have been really lucky because there were no computers or orbital parameters back then.......
There was also a Doppler shift on the signal as it went overhead but I forget how much shift there was.  The signal was only there for 5 or 10 minutes before fading out.  But it was enough to get everyone real excited for a few days afterwards!"
"I received my PhD in 1966.  I had wonderful work experiences with Dr. Lear (Vacuum Tube research), Dr. Muga (Nuclear Chemistry research) and the Dept. of Journalism and Communications TV (closed circuit back then) as TV engineer. I have now retired after 32 years at Lockheed here in Marietta, GA.  Been retired now for 8 yrs and have lots of fun playing with all my electronic and ham toys."

Other Archives


Membership Roster Winter 1967


Healthkit SB-101 Line Purchase 1968-69




Officers Fall 1980


Club Membership Roster 1982




GARC President Pass Down Log 1986 to 2001


Equipment repair log 1986 to 1997


W4DFU Brochure CIRCA 1995