Using the Echolink features installed at W4DFU, local licensed hams can use our repeater to connect to other Echolink enabled repeaters throughout the country, and world. This allows you to use your handheld, mobile radio or computer installed echolink program and link to other repeaters in other locations. This is very useful as many groups utilize these features to have nets or round-table discussions, such as the Thursday night Florida AMSAT net (19:30 local time) for those with and interest in amateur satellites.
Echolink for iPhone | Echolink and Echolink 100 a radio like interface for Echolink |
Echolink for Droid |
We are currently having issues with the DTMF keypad entries being recognized from some radios. If you are having trouble connecting locally please e-mail and let him know which brand and model you are using. Handheld radios seem to be recognized more often.
You will need to know the station you want to connect to by either callsign or node number. See for available nodes and their numbers. In our example The AMSAT net is on the by conference which is EchoLink node # is 101377. For example, to connect, key up your radio (push the PTT) and punch in the following keys on your DTMF keypad: # 1 0 1 3 7 7. Note that is POUND SIGN, numbers and then UNKEY. When finished entering 73 disconnects the linked site.
Other nodes of interest are:
4286 - NASA -Space X (K4RTV-R)7142 - Huntsville, AL (KB4CRG-R)
2004 - Ft. Pierce, FL (W4AKH-R)
3950 - Tallhassee, FL (KJ4G-R)
101377- AMSAT FL net 7:30pm Thursdays
872590 - Jacksonville, FL (W4IZ-R)
632802 - Walt Disney World (WD4WDW-R)
848490 - The Villages, FL (K4VRC-R)
158400 - Daytona Beach, FL (KB4JDE-R)
887674 - Tuscaloosa, AL, Univ. of Alabama (W4UAL-R)
429079 - Hudson Valley Satcom Net (NY), see for times
225634 - University of Central Florida
392896 - Florida Atlantic University
136958 - Univ. of Texas
356799 - Chicago (home repeater of GARC friend Roberto WA9E)
86252 - Disney World
169676 - Haifa, Israel. Home Technion University (4Z1IZ-R)
201135 - University of Bath, UK
#101377 - Connect to AMSAT FL Echolink Conference
73 - Disconnect
#B8 - Inquire status of W4DFU-R
CODE Description
---- ------------------------------------------
# - Connect by node number
#CC - Connect by callsign
Refer to EchoLink instructions
73 - Disconnect --- VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW !!!
88 - Disconnect all
#B* - Play Info (Same as code 211 on the repeater) #B0 - Connect to random node
#B3 - Connect to random user
#B4 - Listen Only Mode (off)
#B5 - Listen Only Mode (on)
#B6 - Query By Callsign
#B7 - Query By Node --- (This means check if it is busy)
#B8 - Status --- gives status of the W4DFU-R node (busy, etc.)
#B9 - Reconnect --- connects back to whoever last connected
Be sure to allow extra time when connecting to links such as the "Missing Link" repeater system. That is, when someone else unkeys, don't "jump" on the repeater to respond to them. Give it at least a couple seconds to allow all the in-between links and the network to stabilize. Same thing when keying up. Don't key the radio and start talking right away. Key the radio, pause 1-2 seconds (take a deep breath), and then say whatever you want. And before unkeying the 91 repeater, be sure to hold the key for about 1 second after your last word or else it could be cut-off by the repeater squelch tail since we use TONE SQUELCH on the echolink radio and the repeater has an audio delay buffer that will cut off EchoLink about a second before the end of your transmission because of the delay.